Fisher Price DP Taco Tuesday Gift Set in open box


3 delicious toys in 1 cute set

​The Fisher-Price Taco Tuesday Gift Set includes three food-themed activity toys for your tiny taco-lover to enjoy. The fabric taco features a variety of textures for your baby to explore, and the avocado rattle with rollerball and the citrus clackers are perfect for shakin' up play time.

Taco 'bout sensory fun

​This trendy gift set is a fiesta of sensory play for your baby! The taco has a fun, crinkly shell, soft lettuce, teetheable tomato slices, and ribbon "beans" and "cheese." The avocado rattle has a textured peel (just like the real thing!) and a spinning rollerball seed. The molded lemon and lime slices are fun to touch and even more exciting to shake!

Take your tacos to go!

​With a removable link and convenient loops on the toys, you can bring your baby's favorite play time "snack" along wherever you go.

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